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1967-68 Kawasaki C2SS 120 RoadRunner scrambler

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (73 items)

    This is a rare little Kawasaki that I recently bought this past spring. It's a 1967-68 Kawasaki C2SS 120 RoadRunner scrambler. It's a 2-stroke with 4 speed transmission. It seems to be a fairly uncommon model motorcycle, with not much info out there on it, but it is alot of fun to ride!

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    1. Bikenstein Bikenstein, 13 years ago
      I think it's a 68 from what I remember when I was a mechanic at Kawasaki of Griffin. Great little road runner, brings back memories.
    2. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the info. I was leaning toward 1968 also, but could not find much difference from '67 to '68, other than more internet references on the blue as 1968 compared to 1967.
      Thanks again!
    3. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      Man, I'm seeing a progression of my youth here!
    4. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      Thanks again!
    5. electricdesigner, 8 years ago
      Yes, this is a 1968 Kawasaki 120 Scambler, I had TWO of these, first I bought a BLUE one, my first ever motorcycle, I was 21. I had a friend that bought a red one, then after a while he decided to sell it and I bought it too. They were great bikes. After a while and got some experience on them, I started dirt riding and racing on them. I converted them to dirt bikes by putting on knobby tires front and rear, and an exhaust expansion chamber in place of the stock muffler. We used to do a lot of crazy things with our bikes back in those days, climb big steep hills, we'd go flying at them trying to get to the top. That thing got flipped over so many times, and we'd get up and go again. They were so much fun and some of the best years of my life. This brought back so many good memories for me.
    6. One968C2SSKawasaki, 6 years ago
      I had a red 1968 C2SS. The pictured one above is a 1967 model for sure. The easiest way to tell them apart is to look at the transition of the red painted housing between the speedometer and headlight. The 67 was made from two pieces of sheet metal that was welded together; the 68 was all one piece of sheet metal and had no transitional seam. I remember obtaining many C2TR model parts that I used to beef up the C2SS.

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