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my new lawn oranment

All items202973 of 245663~~~1850's New York Mineral Water Bottle~~~~~~Savannah Mineral Water Bottle~~~
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (379 items)

    i picked this up today ,the body is in hard shape but can be fixed ,the wheels r in great shape now to find a seat or make one hope u like it like i do ty for looking .


    1. inky inky, 13 years ago
      FANTASTIC!!!! green with envy!....:-)
    2. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      great item i left one (sold with farm) and I still miss it
    3. stonesfan1 stonesfan1, 13 years ago
      thanks alll for the words and loves
    4. trunkman trunkman, 13 years ago
      Nice to see the trunk boy riding fast...

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