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Rindskopf - Collect by Shape or Decor

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bohemianglas…'s loves722 of 1249Pallme-Koenig Glass? Glasfabrik Elisabeth (Pallme-König) Tri- Handle Vase, ca 1905
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (214 items)

    I've been collecting Rindskopf for around ten years. It is fun to collect by either shape or decor.

    The first photo shows some Rindskopf vases from my collection in similar shapes, but different decors and sizes ranging from 10" to 5"

    The second photo shows various Rindskopf shapes in the Pepita/Grenada decor series, varying in size from 13.5" to 7"

    Shape and decor studies are sometimes very useful in correctly attributing unsigned works from the Jugendstil era, where so many records were destroyed by the unsparing ravages of barbarous hands through the course two world wars. Thanks to Zelda for the article suggestion. Cheers!

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Season's Greetings to you and Yours, beyemveyBMV!

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