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    Posted 13 years ago

    (14 items)

    if anyone can tell me about the artist i would be grateful . from what i could read of the name its M. Brice not sure of anything else. it don't look like paint.? when i look at it you can feel the power its so well done . detailed .

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. napua333 napua333, 13 years ago
      please anyone know the artist M.Brice I' ve been trying to look it up but cant find anything on artist M. Brice .
    2. napua333 napua333, 13 years ago
      THANK YOU so much i love to learn about things i love . I thank you again GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
    3. Kathycat Kathycat, 13 years ago
      The artist name is Margorie Brice. This is a copy of her original paintings. It is printed behind glass and but in oak frame. Distributed by Better Homes & Gardens in the 70's.
    4. napua333 napua333, 13 years ago
      thank you for the history im grateful
    5. Abrice, 11 years ago
      The artist is Marjorie Brice. This is my grandmother. For many years she did captions for "ducks unlimited" designed her own greeting cards and such.
    6. michbobcat, 11 years ago
      Hi there iI got the tiger painting i think its in glass because its haevy in oak frame thank you Rod
    7. Tiehererah, 9 years ago
      Abrice how do you know if it's original or not. I have 2 owl paintings with your grandma name on it not sure how to upload a pic of them
    8. wendyallen, 8 years ago
      Hello, I have a framed artwork signed by "M. Brice"
      I wonder if "ABrice" could contact me and tell me if it is authentic and any information he may have.
    9. wendyallen, 8 years ago
      The artwork is what looks like and antelope

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