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Automatic Electric Payphones

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Payphones56 of 63Telephone Token or Test CoinsRed Payphone manufactured by Automatic Electric Co.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (321 items)

    Here another collection of Automatic Electric color payphones. I don't remember who's collection this belonged to, but it sure is a nice collection and displayed well.

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    1. GotOldStuff GotOldStuff, 14 years ago
      Do you collect or know about old phones? If so I will send you a picture of mine. It's an old dial type desk style phone, black in color and has a button on the side which I assume is to 'ring' the secretary! It weighs quite a bit (compared to todays stuff) and it still works too
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      I do both, I have collected telephones since 1965
    3. littlegreenmouse, 14 years ago
      The photo would make a pretty cool poster too!!
    4. Denise Brady , 14 years ago
      My dad has a phone booth and payphone. He is trying to find out the years of both items if i send pictures could you help point us in the right direction.. His home number is 818-989-2624.. Any time California time you could call would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you
    5. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      ttomtucker, Got a Dime?
    6. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Denise, Telephone booths can run any where from $200.00 to 1500.00. I have one that cost me 200.00 and it was manufactured in the 1950's by Western Electric. A photo of my booth is on my show and tell. A photo of your dad's booth would help.
    7. Brad, 14 years ago
      would you like me to send pictures to this sebsite or do you have a direct email address that I can send you a link

    8. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Brad, send to
    9. Gerry Myers, 13 years ago
      I recently acquired a Gray/Western Electric 3-coin pay syation #197G 55. The phone is mounted to a beautiful beveled wood shelve for perement use . I think it's of the vintage 233G, pay slot type. Do you know where I might find the top and bottom keys. Gerry (305) 345-7265
    10. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      I wonder if you paid for some of these phones in change. Ha ha. Seriously, I've only seen the black and the red, wondering where the phone company had planned to put the pink?
    11. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      The white payphones were installed in See's candy shops and hospitals, My red payphones was installed in a show room floor of a Harley-Davidson motor cycle shop. Outside payphone booths either had black or beige, some cases chrome in the beach area's. I only seen one pink payphone installed and that was in a place called Kenrick's Baby News. They sold baby & children clothes.

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