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Lil' Indian or Ruttman '60s early '70s Minibike

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (73 items)

    We just finished up our little vintage late 1960s mini-bike. Research found, and info I've been told, is that it's either a Lil' Indian or maybe a Ruttman, most likely late 1960s Lil' Indian. Original frame & 6" aluminum mag wheels. The rear wheel is all aluminum, and the front wheel is a steel outer rim with an aluminum turbine style finned center hub. We built & fabbed the rear scrub-brake with an old Bridgestone motorcycle brake pedal that I already had laying around. Home-made seat. The engine is a later model 2 HP Briggs. This is a tiny mini-bike, seat height is only 20", wheel-base is 31". I'm still hoping to narrow down the year range, and a definite model & mfg. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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    1. Vontrike Vontrike, 13 years ago
      That's really sharp looking Nick. It would look very nice on display,,,,,say, in my garage !
    2. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 13 years ago
      Thanks Terry, Do you really have an open spot in your garage? Remember, I've been there before,,maybe hang it from the ceiling? hahaha. If you like it, I'll have to check with my son to see if he wants to part with it. I know he does want to try it out at least for a few days or so, but after that..?

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