Posted 13 years ago
(977 items)
This is an 1880s cabinet card by Applequest of Middletown, CT.
The subject sports a large moutache and a small hoop earring.
It is unusual to see men of this period with earrings.
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My husband really needs to this type of stache! Awesome!
In earlier times sailors wore sailors sometimes earrings. But this guy doesn't look like a sailor but maybe he is seen here in his Sunday suit?
Thanks agram.
I have seen (and owned a few) sailor images with earrings-- this guy isn't a sailor.
He was a Brave soul to wear that earring back in 1880!!!
eye4 thanks for looking.
I'll leave it to someone else to run down 19th century fashion trends other than to say that males wearing earrings is unusual. As previously stated, it is seen with sailors.
Thanks again for looking.
I am glad you enjoy them. I have dozens posted. When you have the time, you might enjoy going through some of my older posts. I try and post odd and unusual images.
Could it be that he is a recent immigrant who's ethnic customs included earrings, but the photo shows him in his new American attire.
To me, the look in his eyes says it all---- I am who I am so deal with it! Thats the feel I get anyway.
Thanks walksoftly-- could be. The speculations on "why the earring" make it an interesting image!
I know you said he isn't a sailor, he is to well dressed to be a common sailor but could he have been the Captain of a whaling vessel, or one involved in trade with the Orient. Both industries operated out of the area, & it is possible that the earring historically was worn to show that a person had been to the orient, around the tip of South America, or crossed the equator.
Here is a link to a photo & some comments on such.
Interesting link-- more to speculate on! Thanks walksoftly.
This is one cool dude, for sure! I was thinking sailor at first too...but then it occurred to me that Circus men often wore earrings. The dramatic mustachios might fit the bill as well.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the thoughts vintagelove!
This style of moustache was very popular in the US in the 1880s and 1890s.
Hi Scott. The man with the piercing intrigued me. I came across reference to the wearing of a single earring by men from Croatia in the nineteenth century. Perhaps he was an immigrant from the area round Rijeka where they wore a 'morello'. I've also seen reference to it being worn not only by fishermen in that area but also by 'only sons'.
There is also talk within the 'piercing community' about wearing an ear-ring in those days to ward off evil spirits that were supposed to enter the body through the ears.
Different times, different motivations!
Thanks for your thoughts vetraio.
Thanks for looking and commenting musik.