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Some more of my vintage advertising clocks

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Recent Activity3 of 88Girotti Sculptured Art - Canadian - GIROTTI WOOD CLOCKSterling & Noble Alarm clock
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (4 items)

    Here are pics of some of the Advertising clocks I've collected over the years. Let me know what you think.

    Mid-Century Modern Clocks
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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Very nice , I really like the radio ones.
    2. dalet007 dalet007, 13 years ago
      Yes very nice clocks you got good taste!!
    3. largelee, 11 years ago
      Does anyone know who the manufacturer of the two left clocks was?

    4. plounsbur01, 2 years ago
      I have one of the radio clocks on the left.
      Does anyone know where I can get a new glass lens painted as mine is missing most of the paint?
      I also need 2 clips that hold the florescent tube in place.
      Thanks, Peter

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