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1900? Coca-Cola Poster

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Coke Signs731 of 1123Coca-Cola Motion DisplayCanada Dry Vertical Sign
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    We have a vintage Coca-Cola poster that we have no details about and are wondering if anyone recognizes this poster and/or knows any details about it that would help us to figure out its value? From searching online, we think it could be circa 1900, but we can't find much supporting that. If anyone knows a value on it, we'd love to hear that information as well! Thanks all!

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    1. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      What a lovely ad design! I have one from a little later that I have been searching for information on since 1970. I've seen this one before but afraid don't know much about dating it, value, etc. But I did remember it and thought you might like to check this link. I believe it's Hilda Clark in your poster. This ad was from about 1890.
      A member here, earlycoke can probably tell you a more and give you more information about value, rarity and if it's really that old or not. Thanks for sharing and I hope it really is an old one, but even if it isn't, it's beautiful.
    2. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Oh, and you might want to post the size of this poster, what type of paper it's on and if there is any date/copyright information on it.
    3. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      A quick check in the big book of Coca-Cola confirms my suspicion that you have the same reproduction print that I have in a mirror from the 70's or 80's. If it were original it would be from 1901 and would have no signature or that little "x" on the table. The original paper sign is 14 1/2" x 19 1/2", and there is also a 1901 calendar about half that size with this image.

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