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My Marklin Z operating setup. Enjoyed making it all by myself.

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Marklin Model Trains32 of 32Some older SK800 steam engines from my Marklin HO guage collection.MARKLIN 1 Gauge Steam Engine?  I need help identifying this!
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (36 items)

    This Marklin "Z" scale operating setup is on a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood. I made it myself over the past few years, little at a time. The best part of all of this are the wonderful toy train collector friends I have made over the internet. They are from the USA, Canada, Germany. My goal one day is to go to Hamburg and spend a few days at the huge HO train layout at "Miniature World". You can see some of the videos online.
    So, did you spot the two deer in picture #3 ?
    You need tweezers to handle the livestock, wildlife and people in "z" scale.
    Thank you for taking the time to look at my collection.

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    1. Lata Lata, 3 years ago
      Great Looking layout!

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