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Elaborate Meissen Schneeball (Snowball) Cup and Saucer

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Meissen China25 of 30Meissen Gravy BoatANTIQUE MEISSEN RED DRAGON SAUCER
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (42 items)

    This little cup was part of the collection passed down to me that included my ivory minature portrait and the egg cups. Meissen marks have always given me a little trouble because they were hand done and never exactly the same. (My friend that collects Meissen told me to always be careful of any crossed sword marks that are too perfect) This piece is in nearly new condition with a loss to one of the bird wings, a bit of gold from the handle but nearly all of the encrusted flowers and leaves are completely intact. There have been no repairs to this piece. Though I can't imagine using it, I do love it and keep it in one of my smaller cabinets in the living room so I can see it regularly. I'm inclined to believe this is late 1800's but I could be wrong. The cup is 2 1/2 inches wide, 2 1/4 inches tall, the saucer is 5 inches in diameter and about 1 inch high. I'd appreciate any information you have about this piece of which I might not be aware.

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    1. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      scandi, Well DUH! I'm so bad about doing that! Sorry... it's 2 1/2 inches wide, 2 1/4 inches tall, the saucer is 5 inches in diameter and about 1 inch high. Thanks for pointing out the fact that I went brain dead when I posted that! :-)
    2. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      No, I'm serious! I frequently have to go back and edit because I leave out that info. I just realized I put a brooch up earlier with no size mentioned so I'm heading over there to fix that. I DO appreciate it. If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought about the brooch. And thank you for appreciating my cup!
    3. inky inky, 13 years ago
      This gorgeous!....:-)
    4. BRANDY24, 13 years ago
      I have never seen this before. I just love it ! very beautiful !
    5. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Thanks you scandinavian_pieces, inky, wolcott1 and Brandy24 for your comments and love! The only real issue it has is the one wingtip has been broken off. I kept the piece for the 40 odd years I've had it, but it seems to have sprouted legs and walked off.
    6. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Magnificent cup and saucer! Lovely.
    7. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Thanks miKKo!
    8. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Carlomar, Maggie-Dog, vetraio50, and mustangtony thanks for the love. :-)
    9. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Just wanted to share a link to another that isn't quite so over the top and shows a lovely piece that scandinavian_pieces shared:
    10. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Thanks to everyone for the loves! I'm glad to know other people think it's pretty too. :-)
    11. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      highly detailed, VERY delicate looking!
    12. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Thanks mikie. It's one of those pieces you're almost afraid to look at too hard. I hate it when it's time to wash it. *LOL*
    13. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      The 'bandaged Jimbo' post had to be removed, but I wanted to thank everyone for their comments and good wishes! He's getting a little better everyday. :-)
    14. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      scandi, thanks for the good wishes! He's feeling a bit better every day. And thanks for the love. No one can ever get enough of that. :-)
    15. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Thanks to bratjdd and all the others that have loved this cup and saucer! :-)
    16. chinablue chinablue, 12 years ago
      Just wondering if anyone had figured out a possible date for this cup and saucer. It seems like some of the comments that had been posted on it have disappeared! :-)
    17. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Good morning, chinablue! RE missing comments: When Scandi deleted her account, all her comments were automatically deleted. Hope that someone can help with the dating. Regards, miKKo
    18. chinablue chinablue, 12 years ago
      Thanks miKKo! I wondered what had happened. I had no idea Scandi was gone!

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