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Antique Victorian Era Talcum Powder Shaker "Moller's Pat. Feb. 5th 1901"

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Recent Activity5000 of 23528Loetz: Brilliant opal smooth with gold and etched decoration.St George & dragon KJL necklace,  Kosta Boda cobalt glass plate
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (2 items)

    I love going to estate and garage sales in the Summer. I found this shaker at a recent estate sale. I was looking through a box of old perfume bottles, and this item caught my eye. I didn't really know what it was, but it was beautiful! So, as I was photographing it, I noticed on the pull out lever to open the shaker, there was some print. "Moller's PAT. Feb. 5th 1901 G. Silver". Wow, I have an antique! This is why I love what I call "treasure hunting". You never know what you're going to find!

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    1. Celiene Celiene, 3 years ago
      I just found one yesterday! Mine is iridescent white glass with flowers! I just found the mark and was Googling, and found yours here! I'll post mine!
    2. TallCakes TallCakes, 3 years ago
      seems multiple glass companies used the same Moller's patented shaker cover. WP has closed auction listings with various glass shapes and colors. One listing mentions Mt. Washington but I don't find any confirmation. Several listings do have known Fostoria glass tho'.

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