Posted 13 years ago
(977 items)
Here is a large piece of petrified wood. Personally "harvested" a few years ago.
This piece looks like it could sit in the fireplace-- just the right size.
I have about a cord of this wood and dozens of smaller pieces of bark. Most of it is boxed up.
Thanks for looking,
A cord is a standard measurement used when buying/ selling firewood. It is a stack that is 4' X 4' X 8' or 128 cubic feet of wood.
I was exaggerating (a little)!
From the desert in Saudi Arabia-- when you see it now, it is hard to believe it was once forested!
There are a couple of areas in the middle of the desert where it is common-- you just have to know where to look.
There are also several areas where sharks teeth are common-- I have a bunch of them as well!
I just added a photo of a large pile of "wood" as found in the desert.
Yes-- you got it. We found some examples that were over 20 feet long and still intact.
Very cool Scott! Are you in the oil game? Skating around the Saudi desert...
I swim in that pool myself.
Nope-- probably more profitable than my business! Uncle Sam sent me over there.
Thanks for looking kerry.
Way cool piece -- my granddad had a section once -- long gone. Thanks for the post and all of your excellent well informed comments that I completely enjoy.
We use to find small pieces of P W when we were out picking rocks as kids, I believe I still have a few pieces somewhere.
I once toured the petrified forest in South Dakota.
Thanks for looking and commenting trunkman.
Thanks for looking and commenting walksoftly.
Had to drop in and see what the "dollar" was about. Great piece, nice detail...sparks the imagination into the measure of change, namely "time". Thanks for sharing this perspective.
Never sat any petrified wood in the fireplace, but our fireplace is made of petrified wood. House was built in 1939, by a mining engineer. You can see it in one of my earlier posts.
Thanks rocker-- great fireplace!
You're welcome Scott, don't mention it. lol
Thanks bruce!
In all seriousness, you're welcome Scott! I always enjoy your very informative posts!
Thanks-- how is the clock collecting going? Any new gems?
Going well thanks. Prices seem to generally back on the rise with more common models so I suppose that indicates "very disposable" income is out there! :).
Got a few this month. Will be posting more as time permits.
Best regards
Let me know when you post them.
Thanks music, vetraio and majestic.
Hi Scott, you asked to to let you know about a new clock, I posted one at It's one in our collection that we love and hope you'll enjoy it too. (:
Thanks-- I'll take a look!
nice pieces of petrified wood. i have a few of them too - all found in the deserts of the american west, except for one piece which i found in an area near me which was built from landfill. it is formed over millions of years when the organic particles are slowly washed away and replaced w/ mineral particles. i've seen some petrified wood which has turned to beautiful opal and there are many examples of agate - which can be really beautiful too.
Thanks tom.
Thanks carmen.