Posted 13 years ago
(82 items)
I have a lot of Fisher-Price toys, some vintage, some reproduction. Here are some of my oldies but goodies. The oldest one is the Dizzy Donkey Pop Up from 1939. The others are from the '50s and '60s. None are in great shape, but I love them anyway. (You can see the F-P Circus, Clacking Hen, Snoopy Sniffer, Cookie Pig, Jalopy Clown and the Music Box Teaching Clock.
TOYS is coming Stef: I can finally feel the ground a-shaking!
Yay! That will be a great day!
It will. I will make you an easy bake oven cake to celebrate :)
Sounds great, Hunter! I like cupcakes, I'm partial to white cake with buttercream frosting. With sprinkles.
Duly noted! Buttercream also mails really well. :)
Can't wait!