Posted 13 years ago
(762 items)
With pleasure I show you here again one of my additions . A wonderful (especially the color) Micro Mosaic Etruscan style mounted silver gilt (vermeil) locket/pendant. The micro mosiac is in my opinion nice despite the age of this ornament from around 1850/60 perhaps even a little bit earlier. But it is a pity that one of the three tassels (the leftmost on the picture, see picture 3) is damaged. Unlike my earlier description of this pendant/locket I have since that time been lucky enough to find a good goldsmith who has been implo to improve the suspension of this tassel using the most modern instruments namely a laser. That means, of course, a big upgrade of this pendant. To restore also the damaged micro mosaic is not only expensive but also depends on a very good craftsman and unfortunately there are not so many. You know there might be one that also still have to pay? Please let me hear your comment?
Thanks for loving AR8Jason and Hunter!
Juuuuuuust love it so beautiful!....:-)
Thanks Inky, AmberRose and stefdesign!
Another fantastic piece Agram! May I ask what European country you live in? I'll have to move there
Yay! I was just introduced to Micro-Mosaic the other when someone identified my picture frame. Now I am hooked! Lovely to see this piece. p.s #2 is a great shot!
Hello Stillwater, thanks and I'll live in Holland (The Netherlands) but that's not what it is about you have to find the ways and to be able to spend a lot of time in searching and take the opportunities when they come along. Happy collecting!
Thanks flowerrrose, I'm already hooked by Micro Mosaic for a long time. Let's be happy Micro Mosaic hookers!
I do spend lots of time and energy searching, its just that Europe has more history than the United States, a lot more of these pieces are in existence over there and the chances are better of coming upon them. I remember my parents coming back Brittain raving that the antique shops and estate sales were full of incredible jewelry, and they brought back some very, very nice stuff.. One of these days I'll make it across the pond, one of these days!
Dear Stillwater, I think you are right. But also here it is not easy to find interesting antique jewelry. I spend a lot of time in searching but in auctions I find interesting pieces. And because in my little country we have learned in school several languages I am not bound to my country alone but I can search in the countries of English, German and French speaking people that is a lot of luck.
Well if you decide to make a trip to Europe I invite you to come and see my collectors items!
Very beautiful
Thanks Rachelwu for loving.
Bratjdd thanks also for loving!
Hi musikchoo thanks for loving.
Dear fellow collectors, I would like to express my sympathy with the American citizens which are directly or indirectly affected by that terrible tornado. We wish you much strength in these difficult days and life with you. We, here in our little country, know what water and storm can destroy! Forgive me that I do use this site but I don't know any other way!
MrsAR8Jason thanks for loving, have a good weekend, waiting for the Pforzheim article!
aeon thanks for your interest and attention
Hi Marga!
I know this is an old post, but if your nice pendant is still damaged, you may try my method: