Posted 13 years ago
(13 items)
I just added this unique hat to my collection today. The label reads Ell-Enn originals Los Angeles. I've done some initial searching, but have not come up with anything as of yet.
Does anyone know about this hat designer Ell-Enn of Los Angeles? Any info would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
I was just looking at an Ell-Enn Originals hat on eBay and came across your question while doing a search. There is also one now on Etsy. The sellers described them as 1930s or 1940s hats but they look like 1960s hats to me. So does yours. The tall crown is the dead giveaway. I think yours would be classified as a bubble bowler (like a bubble toques with a bowler brim). It's certainly classy. I think this one is very interesting too:
Thanks Brenda for that info. Yes... I think it 60's also. I wonder if there is anyway to find out info about the designer and/or company. Again, thanks!
Hi Vintage Relic -
There are many ways to research labels from the past, but it's not easy. I have written an eBook for hat collectors called Hatatorium: An Essential Guide for Hat Collectors, and will be releasing the second edition soon. It contains information about several thousand vintage labels (among other things). Until yesterday it didn't contain anything about Ell Enn. That hat I saw on eBay yesterday was the first time I'd ever heard of the label. I just added the information that the label was seen in three hats that appeared to be from the 1960s, and that may soon lead to more. Now that we know of the label we can watch for it, and we'll probably come across more information soon.
There are several ways to research a label. A google search may not turn up much, because the label was around a while ago. I also search the Trademark Office for trademarks (though their website is spotty that far back), I sometimes check state corporate records to see when they incorporated (if they did), and sometimes there are old phone books on line that provide information (very spotty). The best way to research them is to look in old fashion magazines and catalogs. One of my co-authors has a collection of Hats magazines from the 1960s. I'll ask her if she's seen anything about Ell Enn. Unless they were big enough to advertise or somehow gained enough notice to have articles written about them, they may not be in magazines though. Vintage catalogs are another source. And often I ask my friends at the Mad Hatters Society and one of them may have some leads.
If you are on Facebook you are welcome to join us in the Mad Hatters Society. It is comprised of 240+ members from around the world, including some very avid hat collectors with big collections and lots of knowledge, vintage hat sellers, some of the best contemporary milliners in the world, and lots of really nice people. Here is the link. Just send a join request and we'll add you.
Thank you so much for the wealth of information. I am a budding collector and I love vintage hats and bags. I will send the join request. I really appreciate and honor your invitation. Again, thank you and I look forward to continually learning and growing.