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Coca Cola Sign from 1939

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bhead1's items6 of 7Coca Cola ClockOld Dr. Pepper Sign
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (7 items)

    I recently acquired this old sign off eBay. The condition isn't great, but overall not too bad for a 73 year old sign!

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    1. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      Curious if you dont mind me asking, what were you able to get this sign for including shipping?
    2. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      The sign was $75 and the shipping $125 so $200 all together.
    3. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to officialfuel
    4. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      I agree that $125 for shipping is too much however, I respectfully disagree that this sign is only worth around $100. I've seen what these old signs have been going for recently on eBay and Craigslist. I think $200 to have a sign like this delivered to your front door is reasonable. These old signs have become very popular (expensive) recently...
    5. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to lundy
    6. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to trukn20
    7. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      It measures 57" x 33". I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on value... I know this is worth more than $50, even in fair condition... The sign has lots of character :)
    8. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to EJW-54
    9. earlycoke earlycoke, 13 years ago
      Respectfully sir, I would have to say, an item is worth whatever you pay for it. But, with that said, this sign's value is next to nothing because of its condition. It might be worth 700 in NM condition and 400 in excellent condition, then as you get to to Fair or Poor condition such as your sign, they are hard to give away. It is a fairly common sign. Check out my website, here is the link for information on condition.
      Not trying to bum you out, just trying to be realistic.
    10. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      I am new to the hobby and obviously have a lot to learn... I appreciate the opinions of those with vastly more experience than myself... Live and learn...
    11. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Been there, done that! This is a great place to learn a few things. There are some real knowledgeable, seasoned, grizzled, ancient... old... jaded... cycnical... ahem... sorry got off message... where was I, oh yeah...experienced collectors here! Keep up with the great posts, glad to have you aboard.
    12. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      If you are happy with your purchase that is all that matters, are remember, opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one!
    13. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      oop's "and remember"
    14. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      bhead1, here is my $75 coca cola sign, maybe I paid too much for it, but who cares I still like it!
    15. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      I really appreciate everyone's comments. I am so glad that I stumbled on this website. I have learned so much already. This is a great community and I look forward to learning more about this hobby!
    16. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      What I have also learned TGBWC is that no matter how long someone is in the game, they are not aware of everything related to their expertise in collectibles. Something new always comes up that may have never been known or seen before. For example the Coke bottle that I have posted in my collection from 1907. No one knew anything related to it on this site even with all the experience, expertise, and knowledge from the people that peruse this site. Even some misinformation was presented. So it is what it is.
    17. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Tgbwc, it's nice to have people like you around, that know everything. I hire people like you to run my company all day long.
    18. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Your welcome Ray! You are hired! Lol
    19. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      Nice link you posted Ray, that sign has gotta be the worst sign i have ever seen for sale at $75 LMAO do people really think their worth that in that condition? Atleast chevy59's sign was a very rare vertical sign.
    20. earlycoke earlycoke, 13 years ago
      I love a good dialogue. What everyone is missing is that education is part of the hobby. The difference between now and 30 years ago, is that these conversations took place face to face and each person was able to see the other smile and joke.
      The problem is that one can't read body language in a typed note, and offense is easily taken. As far as someone buying lesser quality things -- that is great. That is a part of the hobby that has been missing for several years. Many people only want perfect items. Me included. While collecting quality is good from an investment point if one can afford it, it also drives prices to where new collectors are scared away, and lesser quality items are unsaleable.

      So more power to those who like the "distressed look" of lesser quality items. As long as you are educated and aware of actual value, then go ahead an buy what you like. Someday bhead1 may want to trade up to a near mint sign, and there needs to be someone waiting in line to buy his lesser sign from him. That is how a healthy vibrant market with plenty of collectors and collecting levels works.

      Remember everyone is entitled to their opinion . . . as long as, in the end, you know mine is right :) Note that the emoticon was added as a substitute for old fashioned body language. . . . Happy collecting guys!
    21. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      I like to think I fall into the middle of the road type of collector. I will buy a less than desirable piece if it fills a certain void or is a decent deal on one that isn't often seen. Then I look for others as upgrades or just to have extras, and when the bank is healthy I do go after the occasional big ticket item (if Nobucks hasn't sniped it. lol). It's all fun though and the people we meet while we do it are as unique as the items we collect.
    22. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Well spoken earlycoke! I concur!
    23. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      I agree! Well said earlycoke!
    24. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to trunkman!
    25. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      TGBWC. I found out from avid and knowledgeable Coke collectors in Atlanta and Florida. Surely with you being so connected with other Coke collectors and other resources Coke related you can find out who. This is all I can say..... ; )
    26. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to electobacco!
    27. bhead1 bhead1, 13 years ago
      Thanks to cokelover42!
    28. cokelover42 cokelover42, 13 years ago
      I love the sign, it is a little rouched, but it gives it character. I'd hang it on my wall, imagine the things it's seen. To me it speaks louder than the same sign in mint condition

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