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Diamond gas station sign?

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    diamond gas station sign?. i found buried in yard.Tthere was an old gas station across from my house it was there around 1930's im guessing. im wondering if that gas station was a diamond gas station. 2 sided sign looks like it would hang from something because there is a hook on it. Could somone tell me what its worth? Thanks:)

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    1. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      S*^t! Ive been lookin for this sign for YEARS ! And YOU go outside,diggin up daiseys & run into THIS!!! SON OF A *^%#*^!!!! ON YOUR FIRST POST!!!!! Your lucky i dont know where you live, couse id show up on your front doorstep with a p/up & a handfull of credit cards!!!!! LOL JUST KIDDING (kinda) , nice find... (in the background) WOMAN, gas up the truck, were goin Dragonslayin!!!
    2. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 13 years ago
      Settle down mikie!I'm already on the road after it!just kidding!Diamond turned into D-X and then into Sunoco D-X and then to Sunoco.I would age this at the mid to late '30s,Great find
    3. AngelinaRose33 AngelinaRose33, 13 years ago
      Wow great find! I was just informed yesterday that I am the proud new owner of a 30ft tall(ish) octogonal metal 'post' for a gas station sign... very heavy, very old. I should really go look at I guess..

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