Posted 13 years ago
(1 item)
diamond gas station sign?. i found buried in yard.Tthere was an old gas station across from my house it was there around 1930's im guessing. im wondering if that gas station was a diamond gas station. 2 sided sign looks like it would hang from something because there is a hook on it. Could somone tell me what its worth? Thanks:)
S*^t! Ive been lookin for this sign for YEARS ! And YOU go outside,diggin up daiseys & run into THIS!!! SON OF A *^%#*^!!!! ON YOUR FIRST POST!!!!! Your lucky i dont know where you live, couse id show up on your front doorstep with a p/up & a handfull of credit cards!!!!! LOL JUST KIDDING (kinda) , nice find... (in the background) WOMAN, gas up the truck, were goin Dragonslayin!!!
Settle down mikie!I'm already on the road after it!just kidding!Diamond turned into D-X and then into Sunoco D-X and then to Sunoco.I would age this at the mid to late '30s,Great find
Wow great find! I was just informed yesterday that I am the proud new owner of a 30ft tall(ish) octogonal metal 'post' for a gas station sign... very heavy, very old. I should really go look at I guess..