Posted 13 years ago
(186 items)
Just more fossil fun. mostly sea creatures, nothing really to write home to mom to, just thought i would continue my tradition of posting items that dont have a home. When i say it like that it kinda remindes me of those toys on that island in "Rudolf the R.N.R." Anyway , the Trilobites in pict#3 are my favorites. These are small examples, can you imagine (65-100 million yrs, ago) wading threw the water & stepping on a 3-4ft. version of one of these?
I like the Saligrams particularly myself.
That nautilus is fantastic
thank you Amber for you kind comment (i guess i like ANYTHING old, just look at my wife!) just kidding Angie.
Thank you jimbo, i like it too.
thank you kerry , Carlomar , & Sean
Nice collection.
Thank you scandinavian , luv the comment
thanks for the luv vetraio50
thank you for your comment walksoftly
Nice group!
Thank you for the comm. scott.
thank you ttom & miKKo for lookin.
thank you fossilhunter