Posted 13 years ago
(4 items)
I am a researcher for the owner of this stained glass like painting. I have found one other but they said they were made on the late 80's early 90's and the owner got this in the early 80's. When it is held up to the light it looks like stained glass. On the back it says Walt Disney Productions and on the front corner is is 1787/20,000. We were thinking it was done in the 40's when the movie released. But after finding the other one I am wondering if the owner may have his dates confused the is was released for the 50th Anniversary of Bambi. It measured right about 12 x 9 including the metal frame. I am hoping the owner of the other one has the wrong info as it sold for about $20. I have contacted Disney and they told me it would take 6 weeks to get back to me. They are in the middle of a huge display installation. So I wait, until then I will share it-Thanks for any info you can offer-
Did you find anything out about this? I too have the same one and cant find anything on it. It looks like its from the 1940's with the way it was made NOT the 1980's.
Hi- I wish I could say I knew more about it but Disney did respond but could not tell me when it was made. They did believe it was before the 80's but couldn't confirm what date it was made. My boss has decided to hold on to it. I would imagine with all the products Disney has produced over their life time it would be hard to track them before computers were made. If you ever find any info please post it here-Good luck :-)
These are deffinatly rare from the 1940, a promotional give away at fairs until products were discontinuted. There was a 20,000 made I've got one that is # 29..It has to be something that was customaly printed/painted from the "stills" from the original film while in progress, my glass painting is identical to yours in your posting. I have seen these sold from anywhere from $1000.00 and more due to condition. Good luck to you also please let me know if you find out anything more on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Gosh! has it been a year since this lovely painting...:-)
The Bambi Glass Portrait is:
An "Aniglass", commission by Disney to Grolier before each movie as a promotion.
There were 12 images commissioned, only 4 produced, Fantasia, Pinocchio, Bambi, and Alice. They are painted and then baked. They are not suncatchers or any other named item. They are limited edition with 20,000 of each of the four produced.
Disney folks now don't know about these, they were produced under Walt Disney Productions (before 1973).