Posted 13 years ago
(75 items)
Relive the adventures of yesteryear with Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express. Foil the dastardly plans of the evil cattle baron and save the school marm from his clutches with Buck Jones. Ride with the Lone Ranger and his faithful Sidekick, Tonto as they round up a gang of cattle rustlers. These are the stories of a great land, The Old West....In these Itty Bitty Books. The Lassie and Dick Tracy have a copyright of 1967. The Buffalo Bill copyright is 1934 and the Buck Jones and Lone Ranger are 1936.
Thanks Manikin
Thanks for the love, Dave
Thanks officialfuel
Thanks mrmajestic....lets head em' off at the pass!
Caperkid...Many thanks for the love!
Very nice!!