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Victor Adding Machine

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Calculators49 of 661930's victor adding machineToy Adding Machine
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (59 items)

    The Victor Adding Machine Company was founded in 1918 and the first Victor Adding Machine was introduced in 1919. 10 column machines, with 5 inch Stationary carriage and 1/60 fraction feature for adding Hours and Minutes.
    Victor 500 Series.
    Dimensions: 285W x 455D x 250H
    Weight: 16.0kg
    115 volt 60 cycle Ac/Dc only 125 Watts
    Manufactured: Victor Adding Machine Company,Chicago, Illinois.
    This Machine is Used G.S. Contract, G.S. 03S-2640. AF Contract (33-600)-52-4966
    I would really like to find out more information about this adding machine, also wondering there is any value.

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    1. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      What a beautiful adding machine! I love it!

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