Posted 13 years ago
(75 items)
This Badge for 1934 has a striking design, Hammer & Sickle, Eagle, Swastika. Brass. A diferrent medal was produced for each year. Tag Der Arbeit = Day of work or "Labour Day". The German Government turned International Labour Day (May Day) into "Day of National Labour" or National Labour Day and gave workers a yearly May Day holiday. All trade union offices were occupied, all unions incorporated into new German Labour Front (DAF). This was part of the moves to consolidate all power into the hands of Hitler & the Nazi Party.
These Toonies are pretty cool, I have a couple myself.
Signaholic....Sorry for my late reply...been out of commission since early july. Terrible accident. Yes, they are cool. thank you for the look
thank you blunderbuss2
Deanteaks...thanks very much
miKKoChristmas11...Many thanks
thanks pw-collector