Posted 13 years ago
(149 items)
Dark rainy night and I am out on an errand. I spot what appears to be a lidless box out on the curb. "It looks like solid wood" I say to myself. So I stop to inspect. Yes a solid wood box with no lid painted a dark black color. "Maybe I can use the wood to make a shelf", says I. So I lift the box to throw it in the van and "voila" the lid appears under the box detached. Take it all home, strip off the old paint and a beautiful oak blanket box lay hidden underneath. (I think it is oak). It is now the center piece of our living room. What can I say -- I just seem to find stuff...
Most beautiful! Wish I were as talented as you are!
You amaze me with what you find, I could walk for miles & all I would find would be road kill.
Beautiful but I would see it as being Ash as opposed to Oak. Regardless it is a fine piece.
Thank you all - and I am happy to go with ash on this one, because I have a difficult time figuring out the differences. I know it is a hard wood and I was never convinced it was oak by how it kept the stain. Now on to the next find -- anyone need a lift somewhere?
I wouldn't give up on it being Oak, Red Oak specifically, but it is hard to tell from pictures.
Here is a reference link for North American hardwood & softwoods;
Love picking off the curb! Love the story, and love the feeling of a curb find!
Okay eye4beauty -- you trying to make me cry? I love your humor -- and you always make me laugh so keep it up! Still more finds to come.
AmbeRose thank you for the encouraging words. Just a little story for you -- after I log off this site sometimes there has been a song stuck in my head for the day and I could never figure out why. It finally dawned on me -- the song is Ramblin' Rose -- and every time I come across your name the tape starts playing. So this simply means that you are an inspiration!
Walksoftly thanks for the wood grain link -- it was very helpful. It is missing the tell tale little specks that oak has so I am leaning towards ash. Thanks for the roadkill remark, I had a very healthy laugh over that one!
Not to my knowledge...
low expence= high satisfaction happy 4th trunkman. Mikie
Beautiful piece
Thanks miKKoChritmas11, walksoftly, fhrjr2, Manikin, eye4beauty, officialfuel. AmberRose, ThriftGypsy,, mikielikesigns2, boonsborotrunks, and northwestrelics for the L's.
Thanks mikielikesigns2 and scandinavian pieces for the love..
Jewels thanks for the love...