Posted 13 years ago
(186 items)
I tried the old flashlight trick on this item & it did show threw from bottom to top but not very well in the thicker (body) ereas. It came out of one of the steamer trunks we found in a rental property. I think this was added late to the contents because the bulk of the items were from the 1900-1950s, some two gen. of a familys life. The young people just dont care about ther family history it seems, or they would have came back to pick these up, sadly they didnt, we would have gladly gave them there history back. So the price was right & i really luv the detail in the piece.Best of all, i let the wife "pilfer" both trunks & it kept her happy & occupied for a couple off days! Problem is its hard to find a couple of free old steamer trunks 3 times a week!
LOL Mikie your funny today . Ask trunkman how you find free stuff like trunks just walking down street he finds lots of them :-) I love you let your wife get to dig through the trunks . That is fun part . The swan is beautiful and so 50's . Who didn't have a swan or a black leopard in the house back then . Love Post !
Thank you Mani, i looked this up on e-bay & was suprised to find it had some value!!
LLadro is expensive . They made some beautiful pieces and lots of collectors for them :-)