Posted 13 years ago
(62 items)
A great small example of the Aeolus decor, this Loetz vase has the flask-shape I was talking about (earlier post; Argus vase). In this case the graduated flask-shape works extremely well with the sinuous-curves of the raised Aeolus decor, and emphasizes the wave-like undulations. I would suppose such an effect is not easy to achieve, and although this is a small vase it is a high quality piece. I love the way the light passes through this one, and like many Loetz pieces it can take on vastly different appearances depending on how it is lit. The flat lighting of my solf-box setup is a good way to photograph art glass, but it doesn't always catch all the subtle nuances associated with antique art glass. I guess I'm saying you really have to see and hold examples of Aeolus to appreciate just how special this line is. A true Loetz feature; this vase likes to be held! Enjoy!