Posted 13 years ago
(106 items)
A BUGLER cigarette tin with flip top lid ,This tin was used to hold cigarettes rolled with a cigarette roller. A full pack of rolling papers and a coupon were inside. Coupon is lost. It is in very good condition as the others I have had had rust . A 50's item I believe but?? Found at a garage sale in the 70's Added The Sir Walter Raleigh tin which had been misplaced
Ah, Jail Bird cigarettes as these relics of the past are also known as. But on the level these cigarettes were a real treat for those only able to scrounge up a few cents in change. And enjoy a cheap smoke with a smile! Love it!
Hi Tom
I have never heard of that term. My dad could only Bull Durham. I think I have a couple of bags some where that I will place on the site.
Thanks for the note.
Remember when You would go to the store an ask "Do you have Prince Albert in a can" If the answer Was Yes. You would say "Well let him out!!!" Depression or no Those were interesting days.
OFF TOPIC: By the way, Did you know that
FDR proposed a 100% income tax on everyone making more than $25,000 a year. Congress would not go along with that.
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