Posted 13 years ago
(50 items)
I was wondering if anybody knows anything about this.Ive looked the name up but cant find this figure.Has the beehive mark on bottom of base and Dobrith on top of base under rabbit.It measures about 4'' tall and 4'' wide.Thanks for any help.Would love to know value.
Hi cocacolaman68! Can you check the signature for me again? I think it might be Dobrich. Albin Dobrich worked at Augarten- the Porzellarifabrik Augarten A.G., Vienna in the 20's and 30's. He is most famous for his horse figures but that is not so far away from this young thing on a hare, no? The mark might be the crowned shield from the coat of arms of the Dukes of Austria and Wien. Classic Art Deco!
Your right on the spelling.To be honest with you I didnt see it marked Dobrich when I got it.Its all white and it was hard to see.Ive seen horse figures with same marking but just cant find this.Thanks for your time and Happy hunting.