Posted 13 years ago
(5053 items)
This is a very large painting - about 65" wide. I'd love to know where the actual place is in the painting. It was purchased by my dad at an auction in New Hampshire many years ago. I was with him - 14 or 15, i think. That's a covered bridge over the river in the center. I've often wondered whether it is an earlier version of the covered bridge over the Connecticut River near our home between Cornish NH and Windsor VT. But i don't think it looks long enough.
I finally found the signature on it. It is barely visible in the 3rd photo.
Hi, beautiful painting!...First, you're not blind - folk painting is the closest category. I have listed the paintings I'm posting to Show and Tell under 'general' because they were painted by a professional artist and are not folk paintings.
Secondly, I won't be able to help with this painting since I'm still working on Doniphan. I have been furiously busy within the last 10 days, and am swamped! (I almost despair, but the beauty of his painting calls me forth.) However, I will make the following comments....
Perhaps you could get better photos. (Can someone back East take a good snap for you?) I can see no signature. Is it signed? Where? What is the exact signature, please? From an irregularity in the canvas, I judge that this perhaps has some age. Any indication that this is the original frame? Any markings on the frame? At which auction was it purchased, and when? If you find a signature, you might check the artist in Any other information you have could only help.
It is an accomplished piece, and I think it is very beautiful. I hope that someone can help you soon! : ) Regards, miKKo
it was done in 1873 - and he is thought to be the earliest of the 'White Mountains Artists'. this would be a very early painting for that group.