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Fertility Dolls

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (36 items)

    My husband bought these at an antique shop in Mississippi about 15-20 years ago. He was told that these were dated back to 1600 from Indenesia and that they were fertility goddess... I would like to see if someone can tell me if this is what they are and if they know what they are made of, they are very hard and when you shake them they make a little rattle sound..
    I do not believe in these things but I do know that my husband took them out with my friends over and were shaking and dancing with them and can you believe that one by one we were pregnant. We had our kids three months apart and there were three of us, funny isn't it...but as I said before I do not believe these things hold any power only the good Lord above has that power..
    Thank you for your input..

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    1. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I'm not sure about the Indonesia part but they are fertility goddess's. They are really nice. You might want to contact some universities that have Anthropology & Archaeology departments. They can point you in the right direction to see if they are really that old.
    2. alisha alisha, 14 years ago
      Thank you to Vestaswind for comment. I have tried to find the information on these piece with no success yet but will keep tring.
      Thank you again.

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