Posted 13 years ago
(5053 items)
I have lots of outdoor furniture which i've collected and this is one of the finest sets i've seen, but it has been outdoors so long that it's getting brittle - especially the chairs. is there anything i can do to them to preserve them so that don't crumble into pieces? they're still mostly intact, but i'm afraid that if we sat on them, they'd crumble.
the design on the bench is great - check it out - two squirrels sharing an acorn. Squirrel picnic!
Most beautiful!!! Hope someone comes along who knows what to do. miKKo
I would try a two part epoxy treatment, there is one type that is thin enough to penetrate the wood & stabilize it, you just mix it up & brush it on. I have never used it but have seen it used on "This Old House".
Not to be confused with the two part epoxy wood replacement that is used to replace sections of rotted wood.
Here is a link to one type, I'm not endorsing it, just providing an example.
thank you david. i've written to the company to ask for more information and whether this product is the best solution for the set. i think that we're onto a solution here! thanks again for taking the time and responding. much appreciated!
No problem always glad to help, keep us posted. It would be nice to know if this works for you or if you find something else.
will do. thanks again.