Posted 13 years ago
(14 items)
I bought this at a second hand store the other day. On the back, there is a stamp that says that it was made in West Germany. I do not have the key, but the movements between the girl and the cuckoo bird work. I am just wondering if anyone can tell me anything else about it i.e. the maker and what it may be worth.
Hi, this is really nice! I don't know anything at all about clocks - I can tell time, but that's about it, so I'm no help. However, there are a number of clock enthusiasts on this site, and if you could take a picture of any maker's marks, import marks, whatever, it would help them! One of the clock folks will be around soon, I expect. miKKo
miKKo, thank you for the compliment and the advice. I am going to be sure and do that. The only markings that I can see are a faint stamping on the back that says "Made in W. Germany" and the word "Germany" on the clock face. I will have to look again though.
Your clock is what is called a pendulette. People who visit germany bring them back as souvenirs. The maker for these is generally unknown, but it is more the origin that is given like on this one, West Germany. The key would affect it's value, but one could be found on Ebay. Since the clock itself does work, it's value would be probably 45€ but with the key probably around 60€. Did you get a good price on it? Thanks!
I would be glad to help!