Posted 13 years ago
(1 item)
While I do sell from my colletion from time to time the purpose in posting this was to show how much fun the collecting bug can be. The scary part is this is about 95% of my mechanical pencil collection.(I just sold some pens and pencils to pendemonium and the sheaffer museum,if your ever close to Fort Madison ,Iowa its a must stop!) Whats really awful is my pen collection is about 5 time or more this size. I started collecting writing insrument because they are smaller than my last collection, bicycles. Can you imagine 80+ bicycles!!! Someday I, publish Vol II, as soon as I increase to double what I have. I took 8 mo to get here, give me a couple more monthes to get there!
Love your passion -- go with the flow...
Ya, just don't tell my wife.