Posted 13 years ago
(37 items)
I just purchased this chair.. not sure why~ Maybe it was the guy hovering over me . waiting for me to walk away. It is very pretty, needlepoint top and seat. Caster swivel rollers on front legs. Unsure of age or where it comes from. Anybody ? Underneath fabric is nail tacked all the way around. Curious also of its worth.
I can see why you purchased this chair everything about it is beautiful....:-)
Thank you inky ! Any idea how old it might be ?
Hello Finny.... I'm sorry I'm no expert, and hard without actually seeing in 'person' but I would say mid 19 to late 1900s, and I can understand why that person was hovering around you, apart from being beautiful I don't know how much you paid for your chair but I'm betting it's worth allot!! more, well done!
Do you know what the wood is? when I when I first saw it I thought walnut, but it could be rosewood!
If you we can keep bringing it up to the front I'm sure someone on here will be able to give you some more accurate information, fingers crossed....:-)
Ooops!.... sorry meant 1850 ish to 1900 ish.....:-)
I paid very little for the chair, it really is wonderful. Similar to a John Jelliff chair, but there are no markings to confirm that idea. Not even sure those are marked. The hovering guy told me it was a reproduction and probably had moths ! ... as he hovered.. I do think he would have grabbed it if I turned my back.
Still doing my homework... Rococo Rosewood John Henry Belter ? Any thought ?
Definitely a Naturalistic Rococo Rosewood John Henry Belter style chair. If it can be attributed to Belter, then it may be worth $20k. If it happens to be J. Meeks, then perhaps, $10 or $15K. Great find!!