Posted 13 years ago
(186 items)
This full sized two sided porcelain curb-side sign is still in its original 3 1/2" T-bar frame. It measures 70" X 121" & with a little spit-shine, be good as gold, with no porcelain loss, scratchs or fading. It originally sat apon an old school (pre-1959) 10 foot D-30, or "I" pole. After 1959,they went to several other styles in 12' , 14' heights.The two sided monkey was a Firestone sponsored grand opening program for dads Firestone store in 1966. I still have the "give-away" prizes, yellow styrophome bannanas, and plastic monkey faces. Not really sure what that add. message was supposed to mean;?
this is too big ,you don't have the room so just ship it here to Indiana!
true gargoyle, & did you know that for less than a dollar a day, you could help support this lonely sign, for your contibution youl get a picture of how its doing. (maybe that one went a little to far,sorry)
the man-o-metal is on FIRE tonight! Again he nails it. 1925 T
thank you chevy.
thanks ho2 for lookin
Can I get a little tear to run down it's face!!!!!
gargoyle, i know someone whose an EXPERT in making things cry, but im married to her so the sign is out of luck! (sob,sob)
thank you EJW-54
thank you Michael