Posted 13 years ago
(4 items)
Found this trunk in a friends Attic. She thinks its from the 1930's. Been stored in the attic for atleast the last 45 years since she moved into her Father In Laws home. I have no idea what it is worth. Even has the screw hardware to hook from car to the trunk to keep it on the car. Found the hardware still inside the trunk under an old blanket. Anybody know anything about these???? It is in pretty much mint condition except for some dust. Made in Seattle WA at the Seattle Trunk Factory which I know nothing about and I live in the area. any help...any knowledge...would be fun!
I can not find any information on the Seattle Trunk Factory either? Not sure when it was in business. I thought you could google anything and get answers but .....
The company was owned by George Carol. It was located in the Seneca building which is now 4 buildings into 1. They first occupied it in 1937. The company started in 1930 and were located elsewhere in Seatle, but I can't find when they went out of business. So the 30's reference is dead on.
Wow thank you fossilhunter! I ould no find any info. That was incredible!
That has to be the nicest one I have seen == beautiful...
Trunkman or anyone else that can give me a good guess for her...what do you think it is worth? I can't find another one like it. Don't know if you can see it in the pics but has a great design in the leather cover inside and out. All the handles and hardware on the trunk plus the hardware and screws and etc to hook in on the car. It is great to find information for her. Will make her happy!!!!!
Thank you Bellin68! Her attic is fun to look in. I am hoping to continue looking to see what other treasures we can find!
Any ideas of how to find out what this might be worth????
Are you sure it is leather? There seems to be lines like fiber running through the covering. We are not big on giving out monetary evaluations on this site and I tend to shy away from doing it -- even more so for this trunk, as I am not familiar with this type. It certainly seems to be in mint condition. I have seen one listed recently for about $250.00, but it was not near as nice as this one...
I am pretty sure it is. Would they put woven cloth out in the weather on the back of a car? I am not expert but it is some kind of material that is not cloth shines nice when you wipe it with wet cloth. I don't know could be a plastic I guess. How do you tell? It does have a design in it for sure. I understand not wanting to give monetary value...I was just curious. Thank you trunkman!