Posted 13 years ago
(5053 items)
another Victorian book i picked up the other day. this one is a very cool one w/ gorgeous illustrations throughout [sometimes ridiculous, but mostly fascinating and beautiful to look at]. there are hundreds of charts in this huge book - all beautiful and full of color. i'm really surprised i've never seen or heard of this book before.
i think this book is a real treasure - both in it's day as well as today for a good look-back...
Artists and designers use this type of book as a source for graphic elements/ illustrations for a variety of art projects, both digital, and actual. You could probably sell some of the pages (scanned images) on etsy, for artists to use. It's an awesome find, and I'm totally jealous! :)
thanks stefdesign. i will definitely be using lots of the images myself for my designs, but i may do what you suggest w/ etsy. great idea for keeping the item, but making a little money on it plus making the designs available. there are soooo many in this book!
mustangtony - i just found the copyright - 1883.
Fascinating book with most beautiful images!!! Hours and hours of enjoyment! miKKo
that's right Mikko. i've collected thousands of books over the years, and this one is right at the top for long-term entertainment.