Posted 13 years ago
(1 item)
Story’s of a License Plate
I found these old Vintage license plate in an old run down garage that belong to my husbands great grandfather. He had recently passed on and the family was thinking of tearing the old building down. I’ve never been in it before but was very interested to see what’s inside. First interring I saw the walls covered in old rusty license plates. Most would see it as old rusty junk but I saw it as piece of history. I thought they were beautiful and shouldn’t be added into the soon destruction of the building being demolish. I asked my husbands family if I could take some of the old license plates off there hands. They didn’t mind at all, so gathered as many as I could carry. I know the family thought it was a bit silly of me to take so many but I just had to have them. After leaving I thumbed threw the old relics. Looking at the date, imagining the time and places they’ve journeyed to. What music was playing while they were attached to the back of an old vintage car or even what type of beautiful vehicle they were attached too? I’ve held onto them for awhile trying to find inspiration on what to do with them until now.
Christine Guillot Slaten