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Arrowheads Found in NC

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dickweedrules's loves8 of 35Can you tell me anything about this lamp?Amethyst glass decanter from Pennsylvania or South Jersey
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (22 items)

    This is a few of the arrowheads I have found walking the fields here in NC. Where I go Trout fishing is a great place to search. When the fish isnt biting well I just hop on the banks and look in the tobacco fields there after they turn it. My wife and 2 kids also love to look also. Helped both kids find their first and have them in seperate frames for them. Fun Cheap Thanks for looking

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 13 years ago
      Nice pieces & just think, they probably mean more to you & your kids than the people who made them.
    2. digemuphamm digemuphamm, 13 years ago
      Thanks. Oh yes your right I wouldnt take a wad of cash for these lots of hours walking searching for
    3. PostRetro PostRetro, 13 years ago
      My aunt & uncle in Florida amassed a large collection in the 1950s-60s that now belongs to Florida State University. I used a few leftovers to decorate a clock that's buried in my attic.
    4. digemuphamm digemuphamm, 13 years ago
      That sounds like a great idea for the broken ones I have.. May try to do that also!!

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