Posted 13 years ago
(306 items)
Inspired by the one shown by AR8Jason, here is my 'fakelite' necklace. I'm pretty sure its no bakelite...maybe lucite or something else.
Worn by my mum who got it as a present.
Anyone an idea on age (of the necklace!)?
Thanks purpledog and scandinavian pieces for loving it.
I know it looks like the one AR8Jason had posted. Thats why I wanted to share this one. I gave it to my mother because I think it really suits her. I thought it might be bakelite but did the simichrome test and it ist. So, no idea on the age, but still a nice piece.
bakelite does not always test with simicrome try 2 parts salt 2 2 parts water if it floats its bakelite..
also rub it in palm of hand if it smells musty this is a good sign of bakelite. or pheno