Posted 13 years ago
(7 items)
I purchased these train sculptures at an estate sale. One is 4-1/2 feet long,the other about 3-1/2 feet and very heavy. Both are black. There are initals in each one, looks like CS, or QS, not sure. Anyone know anything abou these? Places to find out? Thanks
not sure about that one ,it is kinda neat!
never seen one of these,probably china also, but I think this is more unique
They were made by Chet Blacketer from Yucaipa, CA. His work is in several private museums and many private collections. He was a retired welder. The bad news is that he passed away last April. His widow moved to Arkansas after his death. People who collected his work included George Burns and Howie Mandell. I've been collecting his stuff for 30 years.
Thanks soooo much to gargoylecollector and jagasse. I much appreciate the info, about Chet Blacketer, indeed it is validated by the fact that the initials CB are on both pieces.
Jagasse- I am sorry to hear about Chet's passing. He was a dear man and his wife is a wonderful woman. We would talk for hours in their booth at shows. He would usually disappear for a few minutes and come back with ice cream or something to drink for us. My family had multiple pieces and each one is special to us. I would appreciate any additional information regarding him.
gemstone 13 - You really are lucky to have acquired these pieces. Chet made the sculpture that was on J.R.'s desk on Dallas. Give them a good home.
Chet made friends everywhere. I am putting together a catalog of the pieces I have. It will include an oil derrick like J.R. has. We need to downsize before my wife retires and move to a smaller place.
He finally gave away the last of his piecec to his family when he knew he couldn't do the work any more. You can still reach his wife by phone. She kept her cell phone.
We also spent hours talking to them at shows. He was a great guy.
jagasse- Thank you for the additional information.
I only had a number for Chet, not his wife's phone number. I wish that I could let her know how sorry I am about Chet's passing.
He made a stagecoach for my brother to celebrate graduating from law school. He also made a sailing ship for a friend complete with a copy of the deck plans for the ship.
He will be missed.
I will get the number for you. My wife has it but she's out of town. I'll send it to you when she returns. I have a stagecoach as well as a conestoga & chuck wagons. We love his stuff.
Thank you so much for getting the number for me. I really appreciate it.
We have several trains, stagecoach, doctor's buggy, boat and a school house
with a tree and swing. You mentioned that you are downsizing. I may know
someone who would be interested in knowing which pieces you would be
parting with.
Carrol can be reached at (909)797-1771.
Thank you so much.
I am putting together a page on each item. Send me your email and I'll send you a copy when I get it done. my email is I'm in Simi Valley, CA.
My email is