Posted 13 years ago
(310 items)
Forgotten America Returns: The Mini-Series.
I had nothing else to do yesterday, so I decided to go on a little photographic sojourn. I have known about this old church for some time, so I thought I would get some pics. I tried to get some good shots of the steeple, but, as you can see, it is shrouded in trees. I have no idea the denomination or exact age, probably very early 1900's. I would have taken some shots of the inside, but too many hornets were going in and out of the windows for my liking.
Amazing pack I love your photo's they are priceless ! Thanks for sharing them :-)
Thank you very much for the kind words BELLIN68 & Manikin. I have several more from the trip, will post this week.
Thank you for the love Manikin, Hedgewalker, BELLIN68, walksoftly & Vintagecokefan
anouther "killer" title packrat!
Thank you very much for those kind words mikielikesigns2. I love traveling the back roads looking for this stuff. I just wish the steeple was not buried in the trees, it would have been a great shot.
Thank you very much mrcolorz, officialfuel & mikielikesigns2
Thank you very much miKKoChristmas11 & PhilDavidAlexanderMorris
Thank you very much Hems303
Get me in there with some electronic gadgets and try to pick up some disembodied spirit voices. I have never tried but I am all "gung-ho" to do it.. It sounds so interesting and fun when I see the programs that investigate on TV. The newest group "Ghost Brothers" ( 3 black fellows that are "honest, true and real" and humorous too.) GOOD SHOW and I love it and I love your photos!!!!