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MAE WEST Transmitter antenna kite

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World War Two1039 of 1517U.S. Military Compass and Match boxRescued Strombecker B-26 Recognition Model
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (106 items)

    This is the Mae West Emergency Transmitter kite in its storage bag. The entire kit consisted of The hand cranked transmitter that was strapped between your thighs, a signal light could be strapped to your head, a large box kite, a hydrogen generator conneced to a large balloon and sybmerged in the sea water. The antenna was connected to the kite or balloon.
    The kite is fabric and metal tubes folded up neatly and stored in the bag.
    I purchased 2 of these transmitters at a local college that was cleaning out a basement storage area. All were still in their mil boxes that were cardboard and falling apart. give away prices on a pallet full of stuff.

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