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1893 Liberty Head "V" nickel

In US Coins > Liberty Head Nickels > Show & Tell.
Liberty Head Nickels16 of 17Pair of 1889 Liberty Head V nickels with a family story1911 Libery Head Nickel
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (373 items)

    One of my coolest finds to date. I was walking to the bus after class at the University of Minnesota campus. I was walking across the sidewalk and laying in the dirt and snow was a coin. Being the junk hound that I am...I recognized that it could be old. It was nickel-sized and rusty brown, so I thought it could be old. I picked it up and continued walking. I got inside the building and looked at it and I quickly realized I had something unique. It didnt look like Jefferson, it had a crown. I could barely make out little else, it was very dirty and grimey. My first thought was canadian or something, It's very common to find them in Minnesota. I scratched the dirt off near the bottom where I knew the date would be. I could see the second number was an 8.... I realized I had something very old. I rushed to the nearest bathroom and washed the dirt off as best I could. 1893 Liberty Head V Nickel. Its in rough shape, the deatail you can see is as much detail as I can see with my eye. What a rare find...112 year old (at the time) Nickel just laying on the sidewalk in the dirt!

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    1. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Great story great find
    2. jackofalltrades, 14 years ago
      Say ! Thats very old !
    3. lorraine Dupont, 13 years ago
      I found a Liberty Head, V Nickel dated 1889. It is in fair condition and I would like to know just about how much it is worth. Can anyone help me. Thanks. Lorraine

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