Posted 13 years ago
(186 items)
Motown did'nt hold ALL the r.&b. , soul artists, it just seemed like it . Pict#1 is front & back cover for the program, The tour was called "Sam & Dave All Star 1968 Revue" , featuring there hits "Hold On Im Coming", "I thank You" , "You Dont Know What You Mean To Me", AND "SOUL MAN" . Pict#2 shows the original ticket stub at the Tulsa Assembly Center Saturday July 20th 8:30pm 1968 for 5.50$. Program lists :
Samual Moore , M.C. (of Sam & Dave)
The Violinaires
Johnny K & The Dynamites
The Mirettes
Jr. Walker & The All-Stars
The Manhattans
Maxine Brown
Sam & Dave
Quotes: "When Sam & Dave appear anywhere, the spectators cannot control there emotions & outbursts of excitement."
"Sam & Dave are dangerous & will attack to capture soul-searching music lovers everywhere."
"They dance together, sing together & believe you me, they are together!"
Also named preformances at :"Twenty Grand" theater in Detroit,"Wiskey-a-go-go" in Los Angeles, "Basin Street West" & "Fillmore Auditorium" in San Fransisco
Mani, whatcha know?
Really nice. You have some great stuff!! You must be a Soul/Motown guy also.
yes sir, packrat, Motown on one local A.M. radio station K.E.L.I. (and occasionally on second) K.A.K.C. in Tulsa. I know at some point (say 14-15) we got an F.M. rock& roll station, which as my mom would say "was the start to all my problems" un-quote.
thank you musikchoo
thank you BeatleJim55, for the luvin
thank you Sean!
thank you Mani!
I grew up around Chicago, graduated HS 1967, WLS & WCFL radio in Chi-town(nick name for Chicago. Used mostly by south side residents, and famous people from the city, giving props to their hometown.
"What up all my chi-town boyz?"
"I'm from Chi-Town"
"Dawg I went to Chi-Town and rode The El into the north side"
Sorry, I got off track there, back to Motown. We got all the great Motown stuff back then on those stations, still love it to this day.
You have some great stuff!!!
eye's right, but it was a tough time period. Nam, civil rights, gov. trust issues,ect.
Chicago's a tough inner-city, tough&proud. Thank you packrat!
thanks mrmajestic1
thank you Marc112