Posted 13 years ago
(3 items)
Hi everyone. We need help! My husband and I came across a lot of Majic Lantern Slides as well as Glass Negatives at an Estate Sale in State Line Pa.. We have had these slides for quite some time now and have spent hours reasearching them. There are some amazing shots taken and they appear to have been done by a professional. We have gone to a few local historians in an attempt to identify just what it is we have. All the slides are related to wartime eras. Some are of Indians, others French, British, and Americans. There is even one that was taken in Canada. We are hoping that someone out there will be able to help us determine exactly what we have and help us determine what we should do with them. They have brought us hours of fun but, there is no sentimental connection there so, we thought it was time to see if anyone else would be interested in them. Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. We will post 5 or 6 to start then, see where it goes from there. Thank you so much for any help you provide us with.
Look to be WW1 troops from the UK.
The man seated is wearing a Glengarry hat with dicing, that places him in a Scottish or Highland Regiment, but not necessarily from Scotland.
True, I was wondering if these might actually be Canadians.
It certainly is possible Chris, but without a clearer picture can't tell what the shoulder or cap badges are.
kmsanderlin have you tried scanning, or projecting the image?
Hey walksoftly,
We tried scanning a few of the plates but it didn't work. We did have a few of them developed and blown up to 8 x 10's. They came out really well. We will post them sometime this week. Hopefully we will get more feedback with the clearer view. Thanks alot for helping us out.
Kathy & Wayne