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1930's Taxco Sterling Silver & Chrysoprase Earrings

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Mexican Jewelry234 of 253BraceletHandsome Taxco Sterling Silver Horse Brooch/Pendant
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (217 items)

    Got these in a box of jewelry for $5. I just think that they are extremely attractive, great examples of Taxco silversmithing. I got good money for them, and they went to someone who was writing a book on Taxco jewelry. If I was a woman and could wear earrings, I would've kept them.. So pretty!

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    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 13 years ago
      hi stillwater. why do you think it's early taxco - 1930s? normally, that type of mark - a simple, incised 92.5 was used anytime after 1950, but i'm sure that there are some exceptions. is there another mark we can't see besides the 925? the flat cabochon also makes me think 50s or later. it is a beautiful pair of earrings.
    2. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Well it was in 1948 that the eagle stamp was instituted and these don't have it, and 925 actually was used in Taxco in the 1930's. Heres a quote from in the Mexican silver page: "The marks "980, 960, 940, & 925" are usually from the mid 1930's to the mid 1940's."

      They're probably from the first half of the 1940's though, now that I'm thinking about it. I have a tendency to subconciously push back dates in my head, to make stuff seem better, lol.
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 13 years ago
      i think that we all do that! i think that the way that 9.25 is written is actually later - beginning in 1950s, and is still used today by several smiths in taxco.
    4. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      So lovely!

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