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Harrach Peacock variant Rose Bowl

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Bohemian Art Glass6199 of 6681Franz Welz stripes and spotsRed Ruckl globe/ shade
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (43 items)

    Fairly confident that this is a Harrach Peacock Rose Bowl. The tadpoles swimming counter clockwise. The fact there are only 5. Ground pontil and overall a thinner glass than Stuart and Sons, Kralik, and Webb versions. If others have a different opinion please feel free to contribute.

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    1. flyingfree, 13 years ago
      I think this could be Stevens and Williams?
      there is one here, that looks to be the same as yours, signed S&W on the pontil mark
    2. retro597, 13 years ago
      It could be S and W. I have not observed enough up close to swear with certainty. Many companys did this design. Most S and W I have seen so far used 6 or four tadpoles. The one you found has the five and the counter clockwise tails. Must admit never saw any S and W marked before. Just means more research.
    3. retro597, 13 years ago
      So far the only S and W pieces I have seen signed have the acid etch standard mark as opposed to the one in the link at liveauction site stated earlier. If anyone knows of other S and W pieces marked other than acid etch please contribute. Just expanding my knowledge base. I only paid ten bucks for the piece and find it fascinating. It is 6 inches tall and equally wide.
    4. flyingfree, 12 years ago
      On page 305 of Charles Hajdamach's British Glass 1800-1914 there is a vase in plate 286 which has as part of the caption description ' ... . Engraved mark 'S & W' for Stevens and Williams, mid to late 1880's. ...'
      The vase is nothing like yours, but the description indicates that Stevens and Williams did use an engraved S&W mark.
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Love this!!

      Wish I could figure out who is the making ( or any info) on my trailed Rose Bowl piece.......or vase. When I see this, I always think of my unknown item....LOL

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