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Bizarro Art Pottery Firgurals - Marked on Bottom - Total Mystery

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (217 items)

    These came from the estate of a professional musician who played in one of the philharmonics, and we think he was wealthy, so they might be good pieces! They are deffinitely not high-school ceramics jobs, they have a mark on the bottom but we've never been able to find it, and trust me, we tried.. My father even sent a photo to David Rago, and he'd never seen anything like it. Maybe they're mid-century modern? Does anyone happen to recognize the mark? Its a simple triangle in a circle, on all three. ANY info AT ALL would be very much appreciated! Thanks for looking!

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Really nice! Wiener Werkstaette look to them; very Gudrun Baudisch colours. Perhaps another eastern European country. Hungary? Geza Gorka had a triangle mark but it isn't him, i think. Istvan Gador did similar stuff.
      Komlos is another name. New Science!
    2. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Thank you Vetraio! You are such a wealth of information, we are all very lucky to have you here on CW

      I Googled all of those names, I deffinitely do see the similarities in the glazes and colors, nothing REALLLLY close though, but I'm still looking. That Baudisch name, those female heads have the same kinda look to them, same colors.

      You may be right about them being E. European, I'll use that and see if I can find something similar. Thanks again!
    3. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      They look like some one was copying Bitossi.
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 12 years ago
      i saw some photos of these in one of my old magazines - a german interior design magazine from the 30s. if i find it again, i'll post them here for you to see. unfortunately, i don't read german, so i can't tell you what it says.
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 12 years ago
      i think they are much earlier than Bitossi.
    6. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Wow really?! I would really appreciate that! If you sent me a photo in an email or something I'd use an online translator and figure it out, I'm dying to know what these are, they came from a really interesting estate. Do you remember if they were the exact same figures in your magazine?
    7. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 12 years ago
      sorry i haven't found the article yet. i change my mind though. i think that the article is in the magazine here:
      i have it stored away in a trunk in my warehouse and it's not very accessible, but one of these days i'll find it and post a photo of it for you.
    8. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 12 years ago
      i just found a photo i have of it. do you think this might be it?
    9. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 12 years ago
      the ones which look like yours are done by a Mlle. Claude Levy in France - faience.
    10. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Hey, well done ho2cultcha! They are wonderful! Magnifique!
    11. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Hmm you're right, I do see the resemblence
      There's nothing online about Claude Levy though, I may be able to do some more digging though

      Thanks ho2cultcha!

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